My S.M.A.R.T. New Year’s resolution for 2015

Challenge accepted! 

I’ll say it I have never been a big believer in new years resolutions. I have always viewed them as empty promises that I can never keep, so I have just never made them. However, I am a proponent for fresh starts and 2015 is going to be a year of new starts. Therefore, this will be the year for my first New Year’s resolution.


When creating my resolution it had to be something good. I decided to model my resolution off of the famous business acronym S.M.A.R.T. goals. This theory states that if your goal adheres to the words in the acronym you are more likely to be successful.

 smart first draft

The S. stands for specific, if you are vague about what you want to do it well be hard to stick to the main directive. M. is for measureable, shooting for the moon is great but sometimes you need to keep things in this atmosphere (I am most guilty of this one). Achievable is the A, as much as I would love to become a doctor or a millionaire this year I highly doubt that I could achieve that. R. stands for Relevant, there is zero point to attempting to cure the black plague because that is not applicable for me. I have also seen R stand for reachable but I think it is too close to measureable and achievable. The final letter in the acronym is T or timely, setting smaller goals in increments gives you a chance to have a realistic timeline.


Now that I have laid out my criteria for a resolution it is time to pick one. Although it is a common one it is one that speaks to me personally. Of course there is a story for this decision.


For about 10 years I was devoted to playing competitive volleyball. This consisted of constantly attending practice, traveling to tournaments and A LOT of training. This life style allowed me to grow up eating pretty much whatever I wanted without an effect on my body. However, after my freshmen year of playing college volleyball I decided it was time to hang up my kneepads and move on. This was the opening to a whole new world filled with time I did not have before, so I did not fill it with healthy eating and working out, instead I enjoyed college life. Unfortunately, in the past year and a half I have experienced the effect of my poor eating habits and have paid for them.


So here it is, my new years resolution for 2015 is in the first six months to go from my current size of, hahaha I’m not going to put that number on the Internet, to a size 8. After that in the last six months I will get to a size 6.


Wow, 2015 will be a big year! I am turning 21, graduating college, and my sister is getting married. 2015 will be a year for the books! Good luck on any and all new resolutions!

Happy New Year,


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